Outstanding Nursing Research Award Submission Guidelines

Criteria and Nomination Process 

          The 2nd International Nursing Research Conference onFuture Nursing Research and Innovation for Sustainable Global Healthto Commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the Birth of HRH Princess Srinagarindra establishes this award to encourage nurse researchers to present their research at the conference and to honor outstanding nursing research in the international society. The award winner may be invited by the editor of The Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research to submit the paper for consideration for publication in the journal. However, the paper must be submitted to the editor of the journal and will undergo the standard review process


Eligibility Criteria 
          To be eligible for consideration for the award, applicants must meet all of the following criteria

  1. The study must have been completed within the past five years (from 2021 to 2025). 
  2. The study must not be related to any certificate or degree fulfillment
  3. The submitted paper must not have previously received any award at the international level
  4. The applicant must adhere to the closing date for outstanding nursing research award submission
  5. The applicant must submit a conference paper in which they are the primary (first) author to the awards email address by the closing date for full paper submissions at  r_award_2ndinrc@tnmc.or.th  
  6. The applicant must be able to attend the conference and be available for a Q & A session at the scheduled time
  7. The research paper must be presented in a poster format, as scheduled during the conference on December 3, 2025 



  1. It is possible to submit a jointly authored paper for an award. However, the award applicants must be the first named author on the paper. It is not a requirement for award papers to be included in the conference proceedings
  2. If a nomination abstract has been published, a letter of permission from the publisher to republish the abstract is required
  3. For full paper writing guidelines, it is suggested to consult the guidelines of the Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research for original papers (https://he02.tcithaijo.org/index.php/PRIJNR/author guidelines). Be assured to read and adhere to the policy re­garding Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice at: https://he02.tcithaijo.org/index.php/PRIJNR/Ethics)
  4. The evaluation process for the award will be conducted by the designated committees through the assessment of both a comprehensive research paper and poster presentation, in accordance with the criteria outlined in the enclosed document


Merit Criteria 
          As the purpose of the award is to honor and promote outstanding nursing research, applications will be evaluated based on the following academic merit criteria

  • Originality 
  • Contemporary significance and /or scholarly relevance 
  • Conceptual, methodological, and theoretical soundness 
  • Disciplined, focused, and persuasive argument 
  • Coherent organization and clarity of written expression 
  • Comprehensive reference to appropriate literature 
  • Quality of presentation of the study during the conference poster session


Application Process 
          Applicants must adhere to the deadlines for submitting the fulltext paper for the award application

          1 March 15 June 2025: Submit the full manuscript (Word document) through the 2nd International Nursing Research Conference Email address at r_award_2ndinrc@tnmc.or.th. This submission must include a cover letter addressing the eligibility criteria for the award

          1 November 2025: The Outstanding Nursing Research Award Committee will announce the results of the research contest submission and provide an acceptance letter. Then, all nominees who received the acceptance must prepare for an additional poster presentation. The poster template guidelines will be sent to the nominee individually via email with the letter of acceptance.

For inquiries, please contact us at: r_award_2ndinrc@tnmc.or.th

Warm Regards

[Professor Dr Warunee Fongkaew]

Chairman, Outstanding Nursing Research Award SubCommittee
The 2nd International Nursing Research Conference on “Future Nursing Research and Innovation for Sustainable Global Health” to Commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the Birth of HRH Princess Srinagarindra.