About the Conference
The 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and planet for today and future. It is developed within a context that views development as interconnected dimensions of the economy, society, and environment. Among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), SDG 3 is to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages and it influences and is influenced by other SDGs. It is underpinned with the universal health coverage target and the principle of equity, justice and fair. As the global populations today are fighting against various global health issues. Partnerships and collaboration among various sectors are required for resource and knowledge sharing to improve global health outcomes, with the expectation that every person worldwide can enjoy good health with on-one is left behind. Thus research and innovation has become a key tool in supporting the achievement of sustainable global health and nurses can play crucial role to the achievement of UHC, SDGs and global health.
Amid the complexities of the healthcare system, characterized by limited resources and escalating health issues, there are challenges related to physical health with increasingly complicated illnesses, the emergence of new infectious diseases, and rising of non-communicable disease and mental health concerns. Additionally, social complexities, cultural changes, and lifestyle shifts in an aging society further complicate the situation. At the same time, advancements in technology and medical science are rapidly progressing globally, with national policies focusing on health care and nursing advancements at regional and international levels. This presents challenges faced in the future, where nurses must create new knowledge through research and collaboratively develop innovations to address these challenges.
The nursing profession is closely associated with the health and well-being of the population. It has a significantly more significant number of personnel compared to other professions within the healthcare team. Nurses and midwives are crucial in providing nursing care to individuals facing health issues. Nursing services should be high-quality, safe, and effective, adhering to professional standards to meet the continuous changes across various dimensions. The creation of knowledge through nursing research and the development of innovations by nursing scholars worldwide will improve health outcomes for the global community.
In today's world, which is characterized by a borderless environment and the integration of the ASEAN community, there is a dynamic interconnection among the global population. This leads to the movement of people from various countries to others for reasons related to education, economy, environment, and healthcare services. As a result, nursing research and innovation can reveal gaps that present challenges in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Research and innovation in nursing will serve as essential tools, mechanisms, and driving forces toward these goals and the sustainability of global health.
The Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council recognized the importance of research and has organized the National Nursing Research Conference since 1992, for over 24 years. In 2001, the Nursing Council designated the national nursing research conference as an important activity of the profession to be held every four year together with Nurses’ Association of Thailand (NAT). In the 8th National Nursing Research Conference TNMC and NAT collaborated with the World Academy of Nursing Science (WANS) to elevate the conference to an international level. Again in 2025, WANS which regularly organizes international nursing research conference every two year decided to join hand with TNMC and NAT to organize the second international nursing research conference in Thailand.
The 2nd International Nursing Research Conference on “Future Nursing Research and Innovation for Sustainable Global Health” is organized to commemorate the 125th anniversary of the birth of Her Royal Highness Princess Srinagarindra. Her Royal Highness, Princess Srinagarindra, affectionately known as the "Princess Mother," was considerably dedicated to improving nursing, public health, and people’s quality of life. Her tireless efforts in nursing and healthcare have left an indelible mark on the profession, inspiring countless nurses to follow in her footsteps. In addition this conference is organized to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council.
By bringing together nursing professionals, researchers, and innovators worldwide, this conference seeks to create a platform for sharing knowledge, exchanging ideas and experiences, and collaborating on future-oriented solutions that will enhance the field of nursing and contribute to global health sustainability.
Conference Objectives:
- To monitor advancements in nursing research and innovations in practice, management, nursing education, and related professions concerning global health issues.
- To stimulate ongoing collaboration in building networks and international partnerships in nursing research related to global health.
- To provide a platform for scholars and researchers from various educational institutions and healthcare services to exchange experiences and findings on nursing research and innovations that address different dimensions of global health.
- To serve as an academic forum for educators, nurses, and students to discuss issues and trends in nursing research and innovations related to the future of global health and disseminate research and innovative work.
Expected Outcomes:
- Updated knowledge on nursing research and innovation that leads to the improvement of nursing practice, education and. administration and policy development for better health and well being of the global community.
- Establishment of a nursing research and innovation network, fostering collaboration in the co-creation of innovations and the production of nursing research outputs through inter-institutional and cross-cultural research projects to enhance sustainable global health outcomes.
- Demonstration of the power and advancement of nursing profession by engaging in national and global health platforms with sound nursing research and innovation

Message from the Chairs
In the efforts of the countries globally in effectively responding to the rapid change of health care landscape, the advancement of the medical technology and digital health, global health challenges, health disparity, and high social demand for cost effectiveness and better health outcomes, new knowledge from research and innovations are one of the means to provide evidence and interventions to assist policy makers, leaders, administrators, educators, and practitioners in formulating appropriate policies, strategies and actions to ensure sustainable health systems and global health for today and the future.
Nurses and midwives are educated and trained to provide holistic and comprehensive care in health promotion, disease prevention, nursing intervention and rehabilitation to the individual, family and community during good health, at risk and sickness based on sound and robust evidence and use of innovation. Nurses are encouraged to do and or use research and innovation to understand the phenomena, and provide cost effective and efficient care to all people regardless of their ages, gender, socio-economical status or health conditions to ensure health equity, better health and well-being as well as to improve nursing workforce, education, administration and leadership.
Nevertheless, nurses are facing many challenges that prevent them from providing the quality of care. The State of the World’s Nursing 2025 report provides robust data and evidence of the current status of global nursing workforce. Research and innovation is required to improve the situation so that nurses could contribute significantly to the achievement of universal health coverage and sustainable development goals.
The World Academy of Nursing Science (WANS) is a network of international nursing organizations/institutions aiming to promote and conduct collaborative research for knowledge development. Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council (TNMC) and Nurses’ Association of Thailand (NAT) promote evidence based practice and evidence based policy and enhance nurses’ competencies in research and innovation and have been organizing the National Nursing Research Conference every 4 year since 1982. TNMC and NAT in collaboration with WANS organized the first International Nursing Research Conference once in 2017 in Thailand.
The 2nd International Nursing Research Conference on “Future of Research and Innovations for Sustainable Global Health” to commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the Birth of HRH Princess Srinagarindra between 2 - 4 December 2025 in Bangkok, Thailand is the second conference jointly organized by WANS, TNMC and NAT. HRH Princess Srinagarindra was a nurse and has been recognized as the Mother of Nursing in Thailand and her birthday on 21 October marks the National Nurse Day. HRH Princess Srinagarindra raised the image and development of nursing profession. Today nursing profession is a respectful profession in the Thai society. In addition the conference is organized to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council as well.
Our conference will revolve on nursing research and innovations in the areas of global health, education, practice and policy development. Our speakers are experienced researchers, educators, practitioners and professional leaders from Thailand, WANS network and various countries. Participants will have excellent opportunities to learn, be updated on recent research and innovation, share mutual concerns and network in friendly atmosphere.
We believe that research and innovation is one of the important means for nurses in finding suitable solutions or interventions to improve nursing workforce, quality of health care services and health of global populations.
We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to all keynote speakers, panelists, speakers in the concurrent sessions, abstract presenters and participants for making the conference exciting and useful. In addition I would like to thank the organizing committees, sub committees and all involve people as well as sponsors for making this conference possible.
Let us use the power of nurses in working together to create knowledge and innovation for today and future for sustainable global health of global populations.
We warmly welcome you to Bangkok, Thailand
Associate Professor Dr Tassana Boontong
Chair, Board of Directors
World Academy of Nursing Sciences
Associate Professor Dr Suchittra Luangamornlert
President, Thailand Nursing and Midwifery
Professor Dr Siriorn Sindhu
President, Nurses’ Association of Thailand